
hello, my name is kitty!! though you might also know me as angel, who is also aaron. i'm a lunarian from a place called the moon,
and even though im inexplicably disconnected from humanity i try my best to understand it.

this site is meant to be a place where i can store all my memories and things i care about, and also a cool thing to show off to friends.
being open or talkative on the internet makes me very anxious,

showing yourself off generally is, but i kinda wanna start putting myself out there a little more.

for now, this is my little planet, welcome!

//this about section is currently still being worked on.......


i plan on studying biology just for the sheer sake of my love for bugs!
as a topic nature fascinates me and gives leeway for me to care more about
the earth i live in.

one of my longest special interests is my little pony, which sounds very common, but i've been a fan since i was born pretty much.
i plan on having a page dedicated to my love for the franchise in the near future :3

i've watched plenty of tv shows and movies, but sometimes i feel like not enough? recently ive been obsessed with twin peaks and adventure time, im also close to finishing hannibal.
it's the first time in years that i've actually enjoyed live action shows, so when it comes to cartoons i know a bit of each.




