discord, the inminent god of chaos, manages to break himself free because of a very small issue that could have been avoided, and twilight and horsie friends will defeat him even if he is borderline deadly and capable of messing with space, time, and all that is physical and non-physical
to no one's surprise, discord, the inminent god of chaos, fucks over everyone and everything through the powers of psychotic drug labyrinths and sets equestria to a state of pure disaster that may never be recovered. all of twilight's assigned friends have become demonic, and their nation leaders are nowhere to be seen because they're too busy at their hawaii vacation, will twilight manage to get her shit together and magically fix everything?
affected by the mental damages caused by the stress of seeing discord's perception destroying hallucinations, twilight does cocaine and goes to harrass kids in the park
HALLOWEEN EPISODE! the monarch's emo sister returns from her horrendous trauma after a trip to the moon for another thousand years, with a freshly made character redesign, and the powers to become every brony's favorite character. HUZZAH! LET THE TRAUMA BE DOUBLED!
after rarity rejects her little sister/daughter/cousin for her disabled behaviour, she decides to set aside her hatred for rednecks so she can participate in a death course alongside the racist apple barn people
applebloom gets a brain damaging disease that gives her a thousand different mental developments of all corners, if she doesn't get a cure she might die! fun horse show!
the horsie show decides to be normal for a second, as rainbow dash and fluttershy set a bunch of animals to a death fight to the death to become dash's next commercial toy assigned pet. simple cute episode that made me find out what shipping meant as a kid
rarity attempts to become the pony everypony should know at the horse rich town, but her friends are too silly and so rarity might have to choose between aristocratic assholes or her free cocaine plug
rarity's borderline pedophilic dragon kink finally catches up to her once spike developes insane powers after officially become a irl tier 3 sub
CHRISTMAS EPISODE! the horsies explain their christian traditions through a silly theater play, freaky spiritual monsters threating included
something something bring your elderly to school day something something fearing the wisdom of the elders something something epic destruction of major fauna something something granny saves the day by being awesome
applejack gets herself into an illegal business ring related to "cherries", pinkie pie does krokodil before the start of the episode, derpy is introduced to the PMU (pony multiuniverse) and where is braeburn anyways?
the residents of ponyville are so blinded by their devoted love to getting shitfaced drunk that they ignore the fact applejack's home owned family business is at risk by the hands of two wealthy emerald mine owning scammers. except twilight, because noone likes her and she hates having fun
after rainbow dash crashes against two towers from getting shitfaced drunk last episode, she starts reading a series of indiana jones like books that we are exposed to through imagination scenes, however rainbow dash is easily subsceptible to societal pressure, and refuses to admit she enjoys the learning of information through something stupid and lame and gay like reading
VALENTINE'S DAY EPISODE! the three disabled fillies notice their favorite pony doesn't have another character to ship with, so they force romance in the most legal way possible. also something about lots of jelly
fluttershy becomes a redpilled gym bro mewing patrick bateman chad sneed yogurt male sigmabrained lone wolf NFT bitcoin non-NPC kino based gigachad ryan gosling alpha male
as an attempt to be less commercial cute pony like, spike enters a COD server for the first time and suffers the reprecussions
remember to take your anxiety meds, kids!
it's like the adventure time birthday train episode but no one dies (kinda)
twilight gets invited to a wedding involving his brother, but starts making conspiracy theories against his newfound wife because she believes everyone in the government is a soul sucking bug alien. this makes everyone hate twilight and want her dead and they almost kill her actually
to no one's surprise, twilight's oddly specific conspiracy theory turns out to be true, and horsies and friends must defeat a evil species of soul sucking bug aliens who plan to basically kill everyone actually